Monday, April 15, 2019

Two New Pieces

Two of the three new pieces designed for the gallery space are now finished. Like the Target Practice photographs I'm mounting them onto foam board so the gallery presentation is cohesive. Twenty sheets of A0 foam board is quite expensive! But nothing compared to the cost of framing.

The first piece I made involving the pink triangles with the bullet holes is now complete. I initially experimented with a textured surface on which to place the triangles. This resulted in the bowing of the foam board. I tried a few variations of textured paint/paste but ultimately the foam board does not appear suitable to much manipulation. It is so easily damaged.

Target Practice No.2 (working title).

I am satisfied with the overall result and once in the gallery space I think it will add a much needed splash of colour to the mostly green and brown landscape pieces. It also gives the viewer the opportunity to see some of the triangles close-up.

The second piece of collaged triangles was made to resemble a portrait of Josef Kohout. From the one available photograph I began experimenting with folding and manoeuvring the image to bring out the different facial characteristics in Josef's portrait.

Josef Kohout

Paper folding experiment No. 4

I based the triangles in this piece on the convention of the portrait format. I toyed with the idea of placing a picture frame around the finished piece to further highlight this but decided it would look contrived. I prefer the simplicity of the shapes and the piece better fits with the rest of the exhibition on foam board and without frames.

Josef Kohout (working title).

I have just one more piece to make. I still have the mounting of the prints to do once I've ordered them from my online printer. Some plinth bases to make, A base for one of the large props and signage. Still lots to do!

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