Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Designing an Exhibition Handout

Unlike the fancy Christmas card design handout that I made for assessment of my BoW, my exhibition handout will be much simpler. This is because of the potential issue of having to make many copies for gallery viewers and the time involved in making them. I settled on a piece of landscape format A4 folded in half. To mitigate this familiar shape I will be cutting off a strip to make the folded paper feel smaller in the hand - more like a small card. The relay-text for the Target Practice images is printed in order on all sides including the front. This is purely to fit it all on and allow enough space not to crowd the text.

I had experimented with some different style of folds that would not be too time consuming to put together but this one feels like the best fit. The problem with my two earlier designs below was once the paper was unfolded the big block of text seemed off-putting to me. I probably wouldn't want to plow through it either.

This third experimental handout was folded smaller and the texts were discovered as each section was unfolded. Too fiddly and ultimately when completely unfolded the block of text issue was still there.

Finally, by using a landscape format the blocks of text looked a lot less chunky and crowded on the page. I may want to add more detail once I've had a chance to think about the handout for a few days but at least my main texts are all laid out.

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