Friday, March 22, 2019

Making a Maquette

After a futile struggle with free layout software I decided that the best way to plan my gallery layout was to make a maquette. I'd thought that the quickest and simplest way was to put something together online but hadn't taken into account the steep learning curve involved with computer design programmes. After a morning of frustration and not particularly liking the results I discussed my options with the Level 3 Student Hangout group. The consensus was "You are a model maker. Why are you not making a maquette?" Well, okay... I had considered that obviously, but thought I could save some time investigating a digital option. I needed that jolt back to reality from the group.

With help from my partner in scaling a model of the Pie Factory gallery, I managed to put together a model very quickly; in the same amount of time as failing to get to grips with the software package; and the physical output is so much more satisfying.

I now need to place my images into the maquette and work out image sizes in relation to the gallery walls and sequencing. I have also discussed the option with a number of people regarding using my props in the gallery space. I was unsure about this at first as I do not want them to distract from the images. There is also an element of interaction with the viewer which is a good thing but with such a serious subject as the Target Practice work I do not want to cross the line between interaction and entertainment. Again the consensus seems to be that I really should use the props in the show. This means taking account of their positioning in the overall layout and if they need to be modified in any way to make them suitable for the space. Lots more to think about and do!

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