Friday, March 8, 2019

Spraymount on Foamboard

The gallery at the Pie Factory has a hanging system installed. There are rails on the ceiling so that pictures can be hung on nylon line and attached to the ceiling rails. They have a no nails policy, so no items are permitted to be physically fixed to the gallery walls. It sounds a bit complex but I'm sure I can manage it.

My images will be A1 and I don't particularly want to have them framed. My initial idea was to tape them to the walls Wolfgang Tillman's style, but the no nails policy and not damaging the paint surface has meant I am reconsidering. I could spray mount the images to foamboard and use bulldog clips attached to the nylon line. The other option is small D rings glued to the back of the image. I need to research further...

Today as a test I have taken one of my images and spray mounted it to the foamboard. It was surprisingly easy and after an hour there are no visible signs of the paper surface bubbling. I also used some white tape to go around all four sides of the foamboard to get rid of that uneven sandwich effect that is common with this product.

Now on to Amazon or the local art supplies to find some D rings and some means of fixing them. A hanging test will be next to ensure that there will be no unforeseen problems.

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